During the first two years of residency, residents’ time is divided between plastic surgery and supporting services, which include Burn Reconstruction (Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio), Dermatology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Pediatric Surgery, the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Surgical Oncology, Transplant Surgery, and Trauma Surgery.
Residents spend their final four years exclusively working in the plastic surgery department. Rotations are selected that provide training in areas that can be utilized in a plastic surgery practice and provide insight into overlapping medical disciplines.
Craniofacial Surgery
This rotation provides residents with an opportunity to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with a full range of craniofacial abnormalities including aesthetic, congenital, traumatic facial fractures and iatrogenic deformities. A large part of the practice includes working with pediatric patients.
Cosmetic Surgery
Each rotation includes a component of cosmetic plastic surgery. Our physicians treat a full range of patients through our dedicated outpatient clinic. PGY 5 and PGY 6 residents spend one month each year learning from some of the most renowned cosmetic surgeons in a private practice setting in either Austin at the Walden Cosmetic Surgery Center or in Houston at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery.
PGY 6 residents have their own cosmetic surgery clinic one afternoon every other week throughout their final year to evaluate potential patients, diagnose problems, and provide treatment with staff supervision. In addition, residents gain exposure to non-operative modalities including laser treatment and injectable fillers.
Hand Surgery
Residents rotate with board-certified plastic surgeons with special certification in hand surgery. Maladies of bone, muscle, tendon and nerve including congenital, traumatic and iatrogenic deformities as related to the upper extremity are diagnosed and treated with resources available in the emergency department, operating room, outpatient clinic and our hand center – a collaborative clinic with our orthopedic colleagues.
In preparation for microsurgery, residents will work with a murine model to achieve competency with vascular anastomoses to prepare for the operating room. A variety of defects, often of traumatic or iatrogenic nature, will be presented to the surgical team, allowing the opportunity to formulate a solution using advanced technologies and techniques. Among the frequently treated challenges are defects produced by excision of head & neck cancer and breast cancer.
Central Texas VA Health Care System
Practice at the hospital includes a full range of plastic surgical problems and techniques including abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction, and skin cancer excision.
AY 2024-2025 Block Rotation Schedule