Accredited with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, our Transition to Practice Program is a recognized apprenticeship program by the Department of Labor for new nursing graduates.
As a new nursing professional, you’ll get a formal support and learning framework to help you transition from student to professional nurse through onboarding, clinical immersion, internships, competency validation and residency seminars. You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need to consistently manage complex patient conditions for better outcomes.
Through the Transition to Practice Program, we provide you with the tools you need to transition from entry level to competent professional nurse, develop effective clinical judgement, provide bedside clinical leadership, incorporate research-based evidence into practice and create an individual career development plan. During our monthly residency seminars, you’ll receive guidance on how to incorporate life-long learning into your career, stress management techniques from experienced nursing professionals, mentorship and guidance on an evidence-based practice project and other ongoing support from mentors and peer groups who can help you through real-life challenges.
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